Monday, March 04, 2013

The First Magic of March

I am a big Survivor loyalist. I have been following the show officially since second year high school - that is a cumulative of eleven years! So on the first day of March, I allowed my Survivor fanboy alter ego to spell some magic on the year's third month.

I sent tweets to Dawn Meehan (Survivor: South Pacific; Survivor: Caramoan) and Rob Cesternino (Survivor: The Amazon), two castaways whom I admire for two completely different reasons.

Dawn played an endearing social game, acting the role of the substitute mother to her tribemates, particularly to John Cochran who eventually betrayed her in favor of a strategic position which eventually did not play in Cochran's favor. I wish both characters the best of luck as they are battling it out again in the second installment of Survivor Fans vis-a-vis Favorites, Survivor: Caramoan. As of current episode, both Dawn and Cochran are in a tight six-pack "Stealth R Us" alliance headed by the always-unpredictable Phillip Sheppard of Survivor: Redemption Island fame.

On the other hand, Rob Cesternino is one of my early Survivor heroes. While watching Survivor: The Amazon, I was completely attentive on how he made those well-thought strategies, making mental notes of "How to play the game like Rob." Although he lost to Jenna Morasca and placed third, Rob Cesternino will always be one of my Survivor favorites. In fact, I bought a Magic-8-Ball (Rob's luxury item) because I was such a fan of his game.

Well, what exactly happened with the tweets? Dawn replied to my tweets; Rob favorited them. They are now following me on twitter!

A great Survivor fan boy moment! A dream come true. #FirstMagic

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